bei ipp Pump Products in Bersenbrück

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Wir sind die Spezialisten für Drehkolbenpumpen: Wir stellen Hightech-Pumpen für hygienische Anwendungen her. Zu unseren Kunden gehören große Namen aus der Pharmazie, Lebensmittelindustrie und Kosmetikbranche. ipp setzt allerhöchste Maßstäbe bei der Produktqualität. Das macht uns zum führenden Unternehmen in Technologie und Innovation. Und du kannst dabei sein!

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Monteur:in (m/w/d)

Drahterodierer:in (m/w/d)

Büromanager:in (m/w/d)

Industriekaufmann:frau (m/w/d)

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+49 5439 80921-0

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English (UK)


CIP/SIP cleaning - Centrifugal pump

Free of residues through self cleaning (CIP / SIP)

CIP/SIP cleaning of the centrifugal pump ensures no residue thanks to the hygienic design and O-rings with no dead space. The mechanical seal is located in the pressure equalisation flow on the back of the impeller for maximum hygiene and temperature control.

O-ring cover housing
O-ring cover housing
O-ring rotor screw


Wir sind ipp – Spezialist für Drehkolbenpumpen.

We manufacture high-tech pumps for hygienic applications. Our customers include big names from the pharmaceutical, food and cosmetics industries. ipp sets the very highest standards in product quality. This makes us the leader in technology and innovation.

CIP/SIP Cleaning -
a challenge for the rotary lobe pump.

CIP/SIP procedure - a challenge! Geometric aspect: Free of residues. With an EHEDG test, document no. 2, it has been proven that the ipp rotary lobe pumps are suitable for the CIP procedure without residues. During the steaming procedure (SIP) the pump doesn't need to turn, however this is necessary for the possible discharge of the condensate. „Self-Draining-Features“ (SDF) support this process. The EHEDG-certificate also includes document no. 8 which is valid for general construction and design details.

There are the following CIP procedures:

CIP-cleaning of the pump

  • Passive: The pump is arranged in a by-pass and cleaned by means of a volume flow which is created by a CIP system (centrifugal pump). The necessary pressure difference is created through the "pre-pressure" at the pump inlet.
  • Active: The rotary lobe pump is arranged in the tube, possibly also in a by-pass and works against a differential pressure of 1.....3 bar in order to reach a self cleaning effect.


CIP-cleaning of the pump and the system (All – In – ONE; no separate CIP pump necessary)